Steve Irwin – Australian Zoo

I have always been against zoo’s, animals in captivity is something I do not support. There is nothing more depressing than for the animal and the visitor to see creatures that are utterly miserable pacing in small enclosures. It’s Like going to a prison.

BUT I had heard good things about the Australian zoo due to the way in which it had started in the 1970’s as a reptile rescue and rehabilitation centre ran by Steve Irwin’s parents, then he took it over and evolved it. Of course Steve Irwin’s infectious passion for animals and enthusiasm turned this place around, now his family are continuing, keeping his spirit alive. The animals are kept in large enclosures and provided with alot of regular stimulation, although I did feel sorry for the koala bear who you were able to stroked on the back, when your trying to have a snooze that mustbe pretty annoying. The shows they put on the the Crososeum were educational and can see that they must do some good teaching people to respect animals in the wild through understanding.

I recommend it as a place to visit.

Swimming Tiger

Swimming Tiger

Sleeping Wombat High Five

Sleeping Wombat High Five



tribute to steve irwin

tribute to steve irwin

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